After waiting for an hour, reading some excellent New Yorker articles, I saw Kim, who downloaded all of my pump results. My bloodsugars have been a little wonky thanks to the Wisconsin trip and my recent craving for watermelon. Again, it's just getting increasingly difficult to tell when my bloodsugars go low. The other day while walking the pups my bloodsugar went down to 36(!!). I had 1 cookie in the car, but it was hella hard to make it back home. By the time I got home I was so low that I ate three more cookies and a glass of milk, and then was so exhausted I fell asleep, which did nothing to help me stabilize, and instead spiked my sugars.
So, in general things went well. I brought Kim, Sharon, and Dr. Maier plum jam that I canned from our Italian prune plum tree. Not that I'm trying to bribe them. In general they probably just think that I gorge myself on home canned sugary goods. Which isn't quite true. I do like Dad's maple syrup, but compared to most people, I hardly use any.

The good news is that my test results still seem good, and that I've only gained four pounds in the first trimester, which is right on track. All of my weight seems to have gone to my boobs and my belly, which I guess makes sense, but doesn't make me feel very attractive. Just wait! Ha ha. Oy.
I need to make an appointment to talk to the genetic counselor about an amnio, something that I'm only feeling more anxious about thanks to an obsessive hour-long reading of amnio threads on Berkeley Parents' Network. Stupid, stupid move. I think reading pregnancy-related threads online is an absolutely bad idea. Still, I got sucked in. I guess that given my feelings about wanting a healthy baby, I really should absolutely have an amnio. Still, I don't like the idea of a needle disturbing my little babe's nest. I know it's a very quick procedure, miscarriage rates are incredibly low, and that it will in all likelihood be fine. And many of my friends have been very happy with their amnios. Still, it's something that is rustling around in my brain, perhaps too much.

In other news, before graduating from puppy class last night the puppy pooped on the middle of the classroom floor. Also, he dragged this log in through the back door. Which helps with stress relief.
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