I've been wanting to get my first tattoo, on my upper arm, did (as in, get my hair did, but this time, get my tattoo did), for some time. And Ross would be my go-to guy (he's the tattooed daddy of Ginger Crash Kennedy Loy), since he did my awesome back tattoos, and I trust him. I guess I'm not that into sailing the high seas, so maybe this tattoo isn't quite appropriate, though I do like the idea of steering my own life. And I've been wanting a good cover-up, and this seems like a good compromise. Perhaps, when baby is all out and healthy, this will be my gift to myself? A new, bigger tattoo?
Peter did say no more tattoos, please, but I think that covering one up doesn't count as a new one.
(Image by James Merrell)
yay for post-pregnancy tattoos! i'm gearing up for mine as well. of course, we'll have to work on a ginger plant/flower for the future, but first, i think a pitcher plant. or maybe a venus fly trap. both eventually. AND i agree, a cover-up doesn't count. it just makes an exisiting tattoo BETTER.