I think I'm going to make some of these out of the left over doilies from the wedding.
I really want a glass of vino verde. I miss it like the dickens. I miss drinking it with Phyllis at Kitty's in Oakland.
I'm wondering if I should just pack up all my normal clothes in boxes for now.
Peter and I watched the first episode of the first season of The Wire and he reluctantly agreed it was awesome. He doesn't like proving me right sometimes.

I took on an extra freelance job and didn't feel like it killed me to do it; so maybe I should do a few more.
I finally paid off my back state taxes yesterday. Damnable freelancing income and taxable income. Maybe I shouldn't do freelancing anymore.
I had my first prenatal massage yesterday at home. It was heavenly. The lady who did it was brilliant with her hands. I actually fell asleep for part of it.
I feel so bloated today from wearing pants that I want to go lay on the floor in the office. Which would not go over well.
There was some flutter in my stomach last night that wasn't like a regular stretchy pain. Can that be the baby kicking? I think it might.
I want to go backpacking again soon.
Good plan: Ditch the pants, pack away the pre-preg clothes. And enjoy the ice cream!