Thank god for Jenny, who saved my boobies from wearing stretched out, ugly bras. We had lunch today, and afterwards she took me back to her house to fit me for several really nice bras that were now too big for her. I've already gone up a cup size, which is not very exciting to me at all. I know that Jen was excited about this aspect of pregnancy, but not me! I guess that if I were an A or B cup I'd likely be happy to go up a bit, but as it is I'm starting as a D cup. So I am more concerned about turning into some sort of circus side show freak lady.
Step right up! See the woman with the massive boobies! Bigger than her head!
Please, please boobies, stay kind of normal sized. I know I can't ask for small. But please.

In other non-boob-related news, I really like the new Dwell shower curtain.

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